Grass Finished

We believe in the benefits of grass-finished livestock. The three key ingredients of grass fat form a foundation to improved health. It is our conviction that the right balance of Omega 6:3 fatty acids, conjugated lineolic acid, and vitamin K2(found in grass) are key to improving human health.

The health benefits are found in the fat and must be fat on, and in, the meat (known as marbling). This needs to be cooked with the fat, and then eaten to be of benefit. We believe, and there is scientific proof, that you need to eat good fat for good health. All the current promotion of grass fed being leaner and healthier due to high Omega 3 and conjugated lineolic acid doesn’t hold true without the fat. Grass and grain fed carcasses of the same grade with a fat cover and marbling are essentially the same – Grass fed is not leaner. Carcasses that don’t carry grade, have little or no fat cover, are void of marbling, and are equally as lean. If you want the benefits of grass, you need grass finished meat and you need to eat the yummy fat.

The key to the health benefits in grass livestock is to buy finished, graded meat that is loaded with omega 3, CLA and K2.

What is vitamin K2? We have just learned of this new and exciting discovery of a vitamin that is changing the health of only a few people who know about it.
Currently our meat, dairy and egg production industries that supply the vast majority of our food supply is void of vitaminK2.

Vitamin K2 is the missing link to a lot of our heart and bone issues. In simple terms, vitamin D3 puts calcium into our blood stream and vitamin K2 puts calcium in our bones.

I can only recommend that you read the book “Vitamin K2 and the calcium paradox” linked below, to giving you the full impact of what we’re trying to describe to you.

We are currently working with our cattle ranching community developing a grass-finished brand called “Healthy Steppes.” We are close to launching this product brand to BC. In the mean time Rodear Meats has grass finished product available from some of these ranchers immediately. So enjoy our products in good health.

Please check out our 100% BC Beef.

LINKS and reference material:
Must read book ; Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox by Dr Kate Rheaume-Bleue

Omega 3 and Conjugated lineolic acid
Conjugated Linoleic Acid From Grass Fed Beef

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